Further Online Pharmacy Resources

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We’ve collected a list of additional resources that can help you as you start shopping for your medication (and other products!) online. These resources will not only provide additional advice on securing your computer and browser, but will also teach you more about online safety and security, as well as medication safety.

Computer and Browser Security

If you’d like more information about securing your computer and browser, check out these resources:

  • United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team — www.us-cert.gov (Check out the website’s list of tips and advice for securing your computer.)
  • Get Safe Online — www.getsafeonline.org (Tips, advice, and real stories about computer scams and other security issues.)
  • Scambusters — www.scambusters.org (Many viruses and hoaxes are spread through email. Scambusters is an excellent resource for verifying the truth or falsehood of different claims that proliferate on the Internet.)
  • PCMag — www.pcmag.com (An online magazine that discusses topics of interest to online consumers including security and safe online shopping.)

Online Shopping

These resources will help you learn to feel more comfortable about shopping online and provide additional advice about finding legitimate retailers:

  • Safe Shopping created by the American Bar Association — www.safeshopping.org (A full listing of important information and topics for people who want to feel secure while shopping online.)
  • Stay Safe Online created by the National Cyber Security Alliance — www.staysafeonline.org (A website dedicated to online safety and security, discussing topics such as safe online shopping, Internet security, and online safety tips.)

Online Pharmacies and Medication

The following resources will help you understand more about pharmacy responsibilities, your rights as a consumer, and medication safety:

  • Your state’s Board of Pharmacy.
  • National Patient Safety Foundation — www.npsf.org (Patient information to help you understand your rights as a patient and the responsibilities of pharmacies to make sure you get the right medication and are taking it correctly.)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Medication Safety Program — www.cdc.gov/medicationsafety (A website run by the CDC with information about medications, side effects, proper drug disposal, and more.)
  • Safe Medication Use from Health Canada — www.safemedicationuse.ca (A site sponsored by Health Canada to inform patients about medication safety and how to report incidents and adverse effects.)